Exploitation in the water world.
Fish feel emotions: from fear to joy.
In aquaculture, fish are cultivated within controlled environments, such as ponds, tanks, or sea cages, rather than experiencing the freedom of their natural habitats.
In densely populated aquaculture facilities, fish are often confined in close quarters, leading to heightened stress levels, increased competition for limited resources, and a greater risk of disease transmission.
The process of capturing, handling, and transporting fish is inherently stressful and can be painful. Captured fish may endure periods of water deprivation, even for extended durations.
In the realm of consumption, empathy for fish is notably absent. Fish are primarily regarded as commodities, measured in terms of tons and kilograms. The concept of individuality applied to aquatic animals has largely disappeared from our language and collective consciousness.
In industrial fish farms, fish are killed by electric current. This process is carried out in large containers or barrels. This method may not be completely effective, leading to instances where they remain conscious during subsequent processing such as finning or gutting.
When fish are raised in ponds or concrete silos, they are captured with nets in high-density conditions, which result in injuries during mechanical handling, especially in cases like carp farming. Segregating and transporting fish in containers without water is a common practice among fish farmers and sellers.
In the case of octopus, the slaughtering process can be gruesome, resembling scenes from a horror film. Octopuses are torn apart while alive, with their brains removed, and in some cases, even turned inside out. This results in prolonged agony, and the pain experienced by the octopus is unimaginable.
The farming community seeks to confine octopuses to industrial farms and bring another species to mass exploitation.